Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2

Busy week at our house with Paul home and off work this past week. So I didn't spend much time on the computer. I haven't been quite as successful at waiting until hunger this week either, but I definitely have been eating less. Hopefully things will smooth out this week.


Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 & 27

I weighed myself yesterday morning and was down 4 lbs. That made my day. I think I will keep at this eat-when-you're-hungry plan. Today we were on the road for most of the day. I brought along some snacks but I didn't snack too much.


Breakfast - whole wheat crackers and bit of peanut butter, banana (on the road)
Lunch - chinese (didn't eat too much because it wasn't very good)
Snack - 1/2 an ice cream cone (again, it wasn't that great, kind of chalky, so I let the kids finish it)
Supper - not hungry

Breakfast - Fibre One cereal with milk
Lunch - soup, 1 chicken strip
Supper - soup, 2 biscuits

April 25

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 piece of high fibre toast, 1 slice ham
Lunch - leftovers, piece of cake
Not hungry the rest of the day

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24

Paul's home and all is well.


Breakfast - Fibre One with milk
Lunch - bowl of soup, 1/2 a bun, 2 mini clementines
Supper - beef, bit of rice, cooked carrots, piece of chocolate cake

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23

I wasn't completely hungry at 8:00 this morning but I still ate breakfast. While making supper in the afternoon, I nibbled on a bit of some beef and grapes so wasn't at all hungry when the kids ate. So I just didn't eat.
It's funny, I've been ok with not eating with everyone else if I'm not hungry. Before I would have just eaten anyway.


Breakfast - Fibre One cereal with milk, bit of cantaloupe
Lunch - 2 turkey bites, chinese salad (coleslaw, a bit of slivered almonds and steam fried noodles, green onions, dressing was oil, soya sauce, chicken stock)
Snacked on a bit of beef and grapes before supper
Apple with 2 tbsp light peanut butter

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22

It was 9:00 this morning before I felt hungry. Then I was off to town to do some shopping and for a hair cut.


Breakfast - Fibre One cereal with milk (9:00)
Lunch at 1:30 - raw veggies and dip (1:30)
Supper - burger in 1/2 a pita with lots of veggies, greek dressing, 2 clementines
1/2 hour fast walk in the evening
It sure seems that when I wait for hunger, I eat so much less.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21

I woke up not feeling hungry yet, probably because of the peanut butter I had last night. So I waited, I had to stop myself from pouring my cereal a few times because I'm so used to eating with the kids. So breakfast was at 10:00 when I finally felt hungry.

I spent from noon till 7:30 driving to Saskatoon and back with a friend of Paul's. We were looking at a vehicle that Paul was interested in but couldn't go see because he's not home yet. I wasn't hungry before we left so at around 5:00 on the way back home I had a piece of cinnamon bread, not a great choice but the only one that was available. Then when I got home I had 1 1/2 pieces of pizza. Again not the best choice but it was available and it was getting late. Normally I would have just ate both pieces but I stopped 1/2 way through the second piece because I actually felt full. Then I went for a 1/2 hour walk at a fast pace while the kids rode their bikes.

It was interesting to wait for hunger today rather than just eating at normal meal times. Hopefully by waiting and eating less when I do feel hungry, I will get to where I am actually hungry at meal times.


Breakfast - Fibre One cereal with milk (less than usual)
Lunch - nothing
Snack - 1 slice of cinnamon bread
Supper - 1 1/2 pieces of pizza
Not a healthy eating day but it sure wasn't much food.