Here are the rules:
1. “The Honest Scrap” award must be shared!
2. The recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves.
3. The recipient has to pass along this prestigious award to 10 more bloggers.
4. Those 10 bloggers all have to be notified they have been given this award.
5. Those 10 bloggers should link back to the blog that awarded them.
Like Amy, I am "only going to follow #2…... since I have a real thing about anything that even smells of a chain letter."
So here goes,
1. I have been married for almost 15 years (wow that's a long time!!) and have 4 great kids.
2. I moved from Niagara Falls, Ontario to small town Saskatchewan about 2 years ago. The decision was a little scary at first but after being here only a month we knew it was the right one.
3. I'm a stay at home mom and wouldn't want it any other way. I do a bit of bookkeeping for a few small businesses as well as some volunteer work.
4. My husband and I have often opened our home up to anyone needing a place to stay, some have stayed only a short time and some have stayed for months.
5. I love God. In the last few years I have become dissatisfied with just going through the motions of "church" and more hungry for who God is and what he has for me. I've just started to read the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. "This book is written for those who want more Jesus. It is for those who are bored with what American Christianity offers. It is for those who don’t want to plateau, those who would rather die before their convictions do."
6. I love to worship. Most of the day I listen online to a christian radio station and love to sing along. I sing on a worship team at church. Next week I'm heading to Saskatoon to hear Chris Tomlin and am looking forward to some awesome worship.
7. I am so not a writer. I'm pretty intimidated just writing on my blog because people might actually read it.
8. I am not a gardener and have no desire to be. When we moved here I noticed that everyone had a garden. I tried the first summer but failed miserably. Now I just acknowledge that fact and don't even bother. I think our retired neighbours feel sorry for me so they bring me over potatoes and tomatoes from their garden. That works for me!
9. We have a TV but don't get any channels. We choose not to get cable because of the extra garbage you get with it. We'd rather our kids spend time outside and find things to do other than watching TV. We do have a lot of good movies and a few older TV series that we watch (and I also watch a few of my favorite's online). So if you have any suggestions for good movies I'd gladly hear them.
10. I'm definitely a morning person. Paul and I are usually up by 4:30 a.m. during the week and probably 6:00 on weekends. But then we're also usually in bed by 9:00 p.m. Saturday was a busy day so we were all in bed by 8:00 p.m. Weird, I know!
So there you have it. It took me a while to find 10 things to write but now you know a bit more about me.
Nice work Andrea!!!! I think you're a writer. You're doing a fine job. Hope it's a good food day! I made a big pot of soup to carry me through this week because the temperature has been turned down in Southern Ontario!!!
great writing! love your list.. so like me! I love worshipping, lead a worship team at my church, am NOT a morning person, my Hubs is actually teaching the book "Crazy Love" right now to his highschool SS class. cool! We only have rabbit ears tv too.. mostly because we refuse to pay for tv. :)
love your list! (fellow chainletter hater..) ha ha!
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