Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 & 27

I weighed myself yesterday morning and was down 4 lbs. That made my day. I think I will keep at this eat-when-you're-hungry plan. Today we were on the road for most of the day. I brought along some snacks but I didn't snack too much.


Breakfast - whole wheat crackers and bit of peanut butter, banana (on the road)
Lunch - chinese (didn't eat too much because it wasn't very good)
Snack - 1/2 an ice cream cone (again, it wasn't that great, kind of chalky, so I let the kids finish it)
Supper - not hungry

Breakfast - Fibre One cereal with milk
Lunch - soup, 1 chicken strip
Supper - soup, 2 biscuits


divad said...

4 pounds down!!!! You go girl!

Amy said...

4 lbs is amazing!!

can you focus more on good whole clean foods? You need more good nutrients, vitamins.. healthy stuff.

You're doing GREAT!

Andrea said...

Discipline in my eating is definitely something I struggle with. I can have a great week and then the next is horrible.