Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 9

This weekend has been hard. The weekend itself has been pretty good but I have had a hard time making good food choices. My usual thing to do when I blow it during the day used to be to write off the whole day and maybe start over the next day. I did get off plan once on Friday and once on Saturday but this time I didn't let it ruin both those days. I just got back on track and made good choices the rest of the day. Today has been good so far. I had eggs and slices of tomato for breakfast and passed on the pancakes. Lunch was leftover soup and some coleslaw with a bit of egg. We are heading over to visit with some friends after supper and I'm sure there will be dessert so I will probably keep supper really light and have a bit of dessert later. I think that's a pretty good plan.


1 comment:

divad said...

Hey Andrea,
I've awarded you "The Honest Scrap Award", which means your blog is heartfelt! I didn't get it at first, I was awarded and then you have to award others. Very difficult, when you're new at this. Take a look at my "Honest to Pete" entry or amos the lion heart to get some ideas? Sounds like you're doing well. Way to get back on your program right away and not wait until the next day. I know that waiting until the next day DOES NOT work!!! I'm living proof! :) Praying for ya!