Saturday, December 12, 2009

Still Here

I'm still here. I know I was going to get on here more, at least to keep track of what I'm eating but that hasn't happened. Things are still busy and won't get much slower until after this weekend. Our church is doing a dinner theater tonight and tomorrow night and almost the whole family is in it. I am the prompter behind the scenes, Paul is "Sal" the Salvation Army Kettle guy (the Salvation Army Church has been great lending us the kettle, bells and a vest for Paul to wear), and most of the kids have a singing part. So this week has been busy practicing for that.

I hadn't weighed myself in 2 weeks but I did weigh in on Wednesday this week and was the same as 2 weeks before. I was happy to see I wasn't up after taking a break from tracking my food. And I've been doing pretty good this week too. I just really need to work on exercising. I have a treadmill sitting in the rec room in front of the tv but I just avoid getting on it. And I know that if I just started walking on it everyday it would get my weight moving down. Something to work on.


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