Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 79

I have definitely taken a break from blogging. And I think I needed the break. Thanks to those who left encouraging comments. I really appreciate that you are thinking of me!

My eating hasn't been too bad this last week of not posting. I have still stuck to my cereal in the morning, my usual salad for lunch and whatever we are having for supper, just a smaller portion. That smaller portion for supper is something I need to work on. But for the most part I was doing ok. I'll try to post what I'm eating everyday again because I know that's a big help for me.

Last night was the first night of "The Night Jesus Was Born". Anne and I were both amazed at the turn out. We had 63 people come through, about 50 of those were people from outside of our church. The evening had such a cozy feel to it. People could grab a cup of hot apple cider or hot chocolate and a treat and walk through looking at all the nativity scenes. We ended up with 154 nativities. Anne also made up a bit of a scavenger hunt, it was a list of about 30 nativities that people could look for while they walked around. It turned out that it was a nice ice breaker and got people talking and looking closer at some of the nativities. We had arranged some chairs into a few settings around the room so people could sit and visit too. At one point I had to go get out some more chairs because there were so many people in there at once. We are having it again today from 3:00 to 6:00 and hopefully it's as good a turn out as last night (those of you reading this that live in a big city might think 63 people wasn't a good turn out at all but when you live in a village of 170 people, plus people on surrounding farms, that's a good turn out). I forgot my camera last night but have it ready to go for today. I'll get lots of pictures to show you.


1 comment:

divad said...

Can't wait to see the pictures. You seem really involved with your church and community. It's really great to see how you've settled in there. Welcome back to blog were missed!