Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Day

After many weeks of avoiding stepping on the scale, I stepped on it this morning. I'm up about 3or 4 lbs since the beginning of February. I'm not impressed with it but I'm not surprised either. I could have gone on another many weeks avoiding it but I don't want to do that again. This weight loss journey seems so hard. I know what I have to do but doing it isn't easy. And life happens and it's easy to just toss it aside for a while.

So I'll take it one day at a time and start with today. I woke up to a call on Skype at 5:30 this morning so I've been going since then. Now my stomach is growling so I'll have breakfast, but a little less than usual. I think I'm eating pretty healthy, most of the time, but my portions should probably be a bit smaller. So I'll start with that today and see how it goes and deal with tomorrow when it comes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend is on a diet that her doctor of Chinese medicine put her on. She was having terrible hot flashes for the last few years, then went to him and now they are gone! And she has lost a lot of weight. He put her on some herbal stuff and had her only eat cucumbers and meat for the first month to get it going. The cucumber have to be peeled and eaten whenever she has meat. Now she eats a lot more variety of stuff, but only certain foods combined. Like starches with vegetables only (rice, pasta, potatoes), never with meat. Meats only with vegatables and fruits and never with starches. I am going to go see this doctor mid May. I'll let you know what I come up with. I think he probably will put me on this cucumber and meat thing at first too. We'll see how that goes...