Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 68

I just realized that I haven't written since Tuesday morning. It's 4:00 a.m. and I can't get back to sleep because of my husband's snoring!!

I'm struggling. For the most part I eat well, choose healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and supper. But I have been snacking a bit lately on cookies and those nasty halloween chocolates and barely exercising. But more than that is I know that I'm doing the bare minimum that I could be doing for the scale to go down. I mean the amount that I eat has definitely gone down and I am eating a lot healthier than I was before. But I still grab that treat when I feel like it and I have very little motivation to exercise. I know the scale could be moving down a lot faster if I would just get more serious about it. I have never been a perfectionist, I don't need to have things just so, I don't beat myself up about it, but I know I need to be harder on myself when I mess up so that I keep moving forward and don't get stuck where I'm at.



divad said...

I am praying for you. For motivation to keep going and to be healthy! I find it hard to exercise too...not my favourite thing, but I'm finding it relieves a bit of stress. Keep on fighting!

Sylvia said...

I miss reading about your daily life! Hope you are doing well though, even if it gets a bit discouraging sometimes trying so hard and not having huge results. But keep trying, you'll find you are feeling more and more healthy as time goes on. Congratulations on what you have already lost!