Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy (late) New Year's! I hope you all had a fun time celebrating it. We had fun with some friends over that night.

I haven't been on here very much the last few weeks and I'm probably up 2 lbs because of it. I don't know, I haven't wanted to step on the scale but it feels like it. I've definitely eaten a bit more than I should have. I'm kind of looking forward to the kids going back to school and Paul going back to work because it's just a little harder to say no to food when they are always around snacking on things when I know I'm not hungry. So I know I've said this before and haven't stuck to it, but I need to keep track of what I eat on here for the accountability. And I need to get exercising, either on my treadmill or using the new Walk Away the Pounds DVD I bought. Michelle even said she would want to do it with me.

So I will be back on here tonight or tomorrow morning letting you know how today went.


1 comment:

divad said...

Yes to WATP videos!!! It will be fun with Michelle. Tia, who is a hard core rower, does them with me and it's so much easier when she does it with me. There will be days when you don't want to, but really, now, I can't go a day without sweating with Lesley! Glad you're back on to blogging...I've missed you!